Tag Archives: K. Vale

Balancing Act is Out! #giveaway #MMRomance



It’s here! It’s here! It’s really, really here!

I’m so excited for everyone to catch up with Kyrie and Greg, and to meet Andy–finally!



Greg Dwyer and Kyrie Li are living the glorious couple life in New York City. Or are they? When struggling actor Kyrie lands a modeling job, he’s ecstatic to have extra cash to spend on his best-friend-turned-boyfriend.

Of course, Greg is suspicious Anders Berglund, the gorgeous and androgynous Swedish cover model the designers love to pair with Kyrie, is after his man. And maybe Kyrie encourages a growing closeness with the guy?

Greg is probably to blame if Kyrie is drawn to the openly gay and seriously beautiful Andy. With Andy, Kyrie can be himself, as loud and proud as he’s always been. But Greg’s sexuality stays firmly locked in the closest except when he’s with Kyrie’s supportive family or alone with the man he loves.

To make matters worse, Greg’s out-of-touch mom meets with financial ruin and moves in with the couple, forcing him into the closet in his own home.

Can Greg find a way to stand up to Mommy Dearest and win back a love he fought so hard to reach? He discovers the road to pride begins at home and with accepting oneself first. Otherwise, it’s just a dead-end street.


Two changing screens filled a large portion of the next room. A woman stood at the rack of clothes, organizing and examining them. She beckoned Kyrie over. He recognized some of his attire hanging before her.

“I’m not confident about the fit in the chest, Daphne.” A soft voice with a delightful Nordic lilt came from behind the screen to his right.

The tall brunette turned. “Let’s see. I can take it in if need be.” Daphne put her hands on her hips, and Anders Berglund stepped out. He wore a black ball gown with ebony feathers accenting the bodice. They created a starkly jagged edge against his bare skin. The material gapped before his pale chest, and Daphne was immediately behind him, tugging, marking the fabric with a piece of chalk.

“Hey.” Anders smiled and waved his fingers at Kyrie. “Pleasure to meet you. Ky-ree, right?”

“Close. Rhymes with dearie.”

“Kyrie,” Anders tried again. The subtle extra accent on the first syllable didn’t belong but pleased Kyrie immensely.

He grinned like a fool. “That’s me. I’m absolutely-positively-beyond-excited to be working with you.” He stepped forward, hand out, and Anders Berglund took the offering. His grip wasn’t overly firm, soft skin hiding delicate bones beneath.

“My agent sent me your test shots once he found out we were working together.” The words were slow and measured, especially striking on the heels of Kyrie’s run-on exclamation. Anders’ accent hinted of British influence on certain words. Must have learned the Queen’s version. “The camera really loves you.”

“I’m just hoping not to look like a troll next to the world’s current it model.” Kyrie knew he was attractive; he could claim pretty even, with the slight Asian slant to his unusual amber eyes. They popped against the light brown of his skin, accented further by thick, long lashes every woman he met was jealous of.

But Anders Berglund was flawless. His face was already made up: kohl-ringed turquoise eyes framed with what had to be fake lashes, his skin powdered to pale perfection, and berry-red lips with just the right amount of fullness and a perpetual sexy pout whether he was dressed as a man or a woman. His bone structure was impeccable, including high cheeks and the graceful neck to go with his six-foot-tall, ultra-thin frame. Straw-blond hair was piled on his head, escaped locks artfully framing his face. Women wished they looked like him. Men wanted to fuck him, at least until they realized the gorgeous supermodel was actually a man downstairs. And certainly, some men were still hot for him afterward.

Anders Berglund was far from Kyrie’s type, but he could appreciate iconic beauty when it stared back.

“Hah. I don’t think you could ever be a troll.” Anders scratched his shoulder with two fingers where the tip of a feather had to be driving him insane.

“I’m tempted to do stick-on boobs.” Daphne yanked tight again. “But Syd wants you completely feminine with your natural parts. She likes how skinny you are.”

“Whatever she wants.”

“Yeah, I’ll stitch this up a bit tighter.” She unzipped the back of the dress and slid it down. Anders stepped out and stood in black stockings held up by a garter with matching briefs. He waved at Kyrie, all bright white skin, jutting ribs, long limbs, and sharp hip bones. He looked breakable despite his height, like a piece of fine china.

“Get dressed,” Daphne snapped at Kyrie. “We don’t want to keep Syd waiting.”

“I would have come an hour early just to avoid hearing that a thousand times.”

Anders’ mouth twitched up. Daphne glared.

The off-white tux behind the other screen wasn’t part of the stash of clothes Kyrie had taken home. He’d been measured at the callback, and the powers that be had custom ordered additional pieces. He slipped into the slim-leg cream pants. If the benefactors of the Spectrum Spectacular truly had cut corners with some of the underthings, the suit was an exception. It draped precisely over his hips, and he twisted to check his ass in the full-length mirror in the center panel of the screen. The silk shirt pressed cool kisses to his chest with every movement he made.

In shape from almost daily running, Kyrie normally relied on skintight pants and formfitting shirts to best display his attributes, but this designer-cut clothing thing he could totally get used to. He scrutinized his butt again as he shrugged into the jacket with black-trimmed lapel.

If Greg could see me now…

Kyrie knotted the black bow tie and stepped out wearing a grin and a kick-tail tux. Daphne was fussing with Anders again, his ball gown back in place.

“What do you say, Andy? May I have this dance?” He swept into a low bow.

Anders gave a soft laugh. “Of course.”

“You’ll need your lifts first.” Daphne pointed toward a pair of black dress shoes. The soles were at least an inch thicker than normal.

“Huh.” Kyrie stepped into the shoes, grumbling and shooting death rays with his eyes. Daphne finished with Anders, and it was Kyrie’s turn to be plucked like a Thanksgiving turkey. By the time she sent him out to the first shoot staging, Kyrie had begun to wonder why anyone would want to be a model.


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***To celebrate the release of Balancing Act, I’m giving away a beautiful silver choker necklace with abalone pendant!***

Click away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway





How About a #Freebie?

I realized this morning I wasn’t going to do a Wednesday post this week because it’s already Thursday. Doh! That MLK day really screwed with my head. I’ve been wonky all week (more wonky than usual, I should say).

The newsletter signup and freebie are a go, after much agony from Calibre for some reason I still haven’t figured out. So, make my pain worthwhile and use this link to sign up for your free e-copy of “The Ferryman Cometh.”


I won’t spam you, I swear on all that is good and holy. I’ll only send the rare newsletter to let you know when I have something new coming out. Promise. Realistically, I can barely make myself blog, so that should give you an accurate sense of how often I’ll compose newsletters.

Okay, I’ve spent entirely too long in front of a computer today. I’m going to go pour a glass of wine and make some freakin’ meatloaf so kids can tell me it’s yucky in an hour because that’s the kind of day it’s been.






What’s Up Wednesday

Hey, all! It occurred to me on Monday that I should come up with a clever little name for one day of the week and blog religiously on that day. What’s Up Wednesday fit the bill, but it was Monday, so damn. Luckily I’m uber-slow and got hung up on a billion other tasks. I blinked and it’s Wednesday!  Like magic, baby!

As an aside, I did a search for What’s Up Wednesday and found this YA author had a weekly hop with the title a few years back. Seems to be defunct, but I’ll give her full credit, especially since she has some swell blog post ideas I’ll probably borrow at some point.

So, what have I been up to? Seems a legit topic to begin. For one, I’ve been working on starting a newsletter and polishing up a short story I plan to dangle in front of your clicking fingers to make you sign up, so get ready for that. It’s the only way to get your hands on my tale, “The Ferryman Cometh,” a dark paranormal erotic MMM, so a tad off my beaten path with that extra M. 😉 I’ll let you know when that’s ready to e-ship, likely by next Wednesday if not sooner.


I’m self-editing “Balancing Act” right this second. I’m about 2/3 done and then I’ll get it to beta readers. It’s a tough edit because I am striving to keep it just under 40,000 words so it doesn’t jump to the next price point with my publisher. At the moment, I have maybe 300 words of wiggle room, so I’m essentially fucked, but still gonna give it my all. The problem is, when I’m writing dialog fast, I often omit the tags and then come in later and add a bit of meat to make it clear who’s speaking. Hopefully I won’t hit any major rough patches in the home stretch that will require, well, more words. 😛

Okay, that’s it for now. Stay tuned for more newsletter info coming shortly, and more general blogging on Wednesday. Heck, maybe I’ll go do some crunches while I’m on my self-improvement kick.
rainbow logo





Writing Funks #amwriting

I’ve been a total slug lately. Here it is, the first full week of summer “vacation” (I insist on quoting that word because it’s a joke to moms everywhere–stay-at-home or otherwise, it’s not our vacation). I just dropped my youngest two at a 9-12 camp. My oldest is still asleep (I guess the slugginess runs in the family). I need to start cranking out the words. This is my chance, possibly my only chance today.

But, I am not all that inspired lately. Part of it is seeing which books top the MM romance charts on Amazon. They aren’t the sort of books I write, generally speaking. Shifters and BDSM, rehashed Cinderella stories, cops, sports, motorcycle gangs. I get to thinking that maybe I shouldn’t bother with what I’m working on. Maybe I’ll spend months on a book that hardly anyone will read. Not to whine. I freaking hate when authors do that on Facebook. No. I’m not whining. I’m second-guessing, and it makes for a shitty writing mindset.

I have to remind myself that I can’t write anything I’m not interested in. Not only would it be painful to complete, but it would probably suck. It wouldn’t be me.

So, no matter how disheartening it is to not be burning up any charts with my books, I’m not going to try to come up with an alpha-mating-50-shades-of-tiger idea. I’m not going to stare at my current WIP and think I’m just wasting my fucking time.

I’m going to make a goddamn pot of coffee and finish this bitch because I love these characters, and really, their fictitious shit just hit the fan, so what the hell am I waiting for?

Here’s an unedited snippet from Balancing Act: Shooting Stars 3.5 to help rev the engines. I embrace cheerleaders, so feel free to give me a K. Give me an I. Give me an M. You get the idea. 😉


“How many?” The hostess smiled, revealing crooked teeth. Her name tag said Leya.

“Two.” Kyrie held up his fingers.255b733f-0096-4ff1-a0d6-429b8125045d_zpsvqittldm

The girl checked a seating chart. “I should have something for you in five or ten minutes. Unless you’d like to sit at the bar.”

Greg’s attention was frozen in the direction of the bar to his right.

“I’m good with it.” Kyrie tugged on Greg’s arm.

“Great.” Leya slid two menus from a stack behind her.

“Umm. You know what?” Greg swallowed and then looked from Kyrie to the hostess. “Actually, we…I’d much rather…”

A waiter walked up. “I just need to wipe down nine, if you want to put them there.”

“Table then?” The hostess gave them wide eyes.

“Yes, please.”

“Just one minute.” The waiter hustled off.

“What’s up with you?” Kyrie folded his arms over his chest.

“Just didn’t want to have a football game blaring when we’re trying to have…”

A romantic dinner?

“Conversation.” Greg glanced at the hostess who was busy rubbing black grease pen off a laminated seating chart.

They were ushered in a moment later, and Kyrie began scarfing down more white bread, this time with butter, as they waited for their order. The waiter brought them both a beer. Greg sipped his and his shoulders relaxed.

“So, how did the photo shoot go?”

“Ugh. I’ll never make fun of models for taking the easy way out again. It’s actually pretty labor intensive.”

Greg gave him a skeptical look while his foot rubbed Kyrie’s calf under the table. “Poor baby. You need a massage when we get home?”

“Consequence free?”

“What?” Greg thunked his beer glass down on the table. “What’ve you done with the real Kyrie?”

“I’m just saying there’s no guarantee I’ll stay awake during a massage.”

“Then the massage is after.”

“After what?” Kyrie gave him a seductive grin. Beyond Greg’s shoulder he eyed a slim brunette woman walking toward their table with a smile on her face.

“After I’m done with you.” Greg waggled his eyebrows and nudged Kyrie’s foot again.beea33b9-d9ce-49ed-bcdf-4cf462fe763a_zpsupclpajx

“Greg?” The woman touched Greg’s shoulder and he jumped a good five inches while a wingtip nailed Kyrie in the shin. “Oh, my! I didn’t mean to startle you.” She touched her chest in sympathy, and then looked from Greg to Kyrie and back. “I’m so glad you decided to try this place out.”

Greg coughed, seemingly on air, and then gave a weak grin, his eyes watery. “So far so good, Mel. Thanks for the recommendation.”

She smiled wider. “Hi, I’m Melanie Church. Greg and I work at Warner and Hall together.” She waved at Kyrie.

“Nice to meet you.” Kyrie swallowed most of the bread in his mouth before answering, but it still came out stuffy. He reached for his beer.

“Kyrie’s my ex-wife’s brother. I told you about his modeling job.” Greg’s nod was overenthusiastic as if all that action would draw attention away from what he’d just said.

Ex-wife’s brother? Why don’t you rip a huge fart and really throw her off the scent, Greg?

“Yes. How exciting.” Melanie didn’t seem to notice Greg’s odd behavior. Kyrie couldn’t help but glare at him. “Would it be out of line to ask for your autograph?” she added.

Kyrie turned his terse smile from Greg to his coworker. “Why not?”

She dug in her purse and pulled out a note pad.

“Well, aren’t you the Girl Scout?” Kyrie gave a hollow laugh and took the proffered paper and pen.

Greg’s grin looked like a snapshot, frozen and awkward.

Kyrie wrote: Mel—It’s been illuminating meeting you! Thanks much! Love, Greg’s ex-wife’s brother, Kyrie Li.

“Did I forget anything?” He held it up for Greg’s perusal, a saccharin smile on his face. Greg turned beet red. Kyrie slowly shook his head. “Don’t suppose so. Here you are.” He handed the pad back, grinding his teeth, just as the waiter arrived with their plates.

“Well, my husband’s pulling the car up, so I’d better go and let you two enjoy. See you tomorrow, Greg. So nice to meet you, Kyrie.” She slipped the paper and pen back in her bag, tossed the tail of her wayward scarf over her shoulder, and turned with a smile and wave.

“Her husband. How odd. I wonder whose brother he is?” Kyrie huffed and viciously stabbed his eggplant parmesan with a fork.


“Don’t Kyr me.”

“Don’t do this.”

“No. Why would I? I’ve sat and watched you pretend I’m your gay friend for the past year.” He slapped both hands on the white tablecloth and gave Greg a flip grin. “Why should anything change now, huh?”

“Stop.” Greg glanced around. “Can’t we just…” He tugged in a breath and then at his tie. “Let’s talk about it later, huh?”

“’Course, babe. We’ll do it later. It’ll probably work then.” Kyrie hated himself for being such a bitch, but goddamn it, he was sick of the same shit over and over. Sick to death of feeling like a dirty secret, no matter how good Greg did dirty when they got home.

“I work with her,” Greg whispered vehemently.

Kyrie just stared, daring him to elaborate and dig himself further. “Yup. Only right you should be able to act accordingly in front of co-workers.” He plugged a forkful of eggplant into his mouth and nodded, cramming the food between a manikin sneer.

“What do you expect?” Greg asked, and then fiddled with his napkin when Kyrie’s piercing gaze narrowed on him.

“Not much, anymore.” He grinned coldly. “Make sure you don’t, either.”

Sticking It Just Got Better

Well, I finally got it together! My revised and expanded version of Sticking It is up on Amazon and All Romance. For anyone who doesn’t know, I wrote the original for the Goodreads Love Has No Boundaries event two years ago. A number of reviewers mentioned wanting more. I’m don’t mind a good Happy For Now ending, but I guess a lot of readers want the neat and tidy bow. Some people specifically said they wanted to see Dane go to the Olympics…


So, I did it. Sticking It now has 50% more–more sweaty gymnastics, more sweaty guy nookie, more of that neat and tidy, bow-tied Happily Ever After people love. It’s also more edited and more professionally covered.

Muscular athletic sportsman in training. Winner.

You wanted more? You got it! It’s the total package, baby (drools on computer contemplating the package above. Would you get a load of the come gutters on that guy?).

And here’s a little excerpt from everyone’s favorite drive-through jerk-off scene just for fun:


“Well, I guess we should head back. I still have to copy a website tonight.”

Dane glanced at his watch. “Yeah. I might even have time for a quick jerk-off before bed.” Why the fuck did I just say that? “Better than counting sheep,” he added, not sure if that made it worse or better. He grabbed his own soda to give his mouth something to do other than talk.

“Feel free to get going on that. The drive-through lady gave us more than enough napkins.” Adam tossed him a fistful of M-stamped paper products with a laugh.

Dane sputtered on soda. “Yeah, right.” His voice was strained by the introduction of cola to his lungs and the surge of blood to his dick.

“What? It’s not like anyone’s gonna see.” Adam shrugged, nonchalant almost. But not quite. His tongue darted out to flick nervously over his lips. Dane’s cock flexed in his pants, eager to accept the challenge.

“Yeah, sure. Like you’d give yourself a low five right here and now.”

“Why not?” Adam appeared to wink, but it was dark and street lamps flashed off his glasses. “I’ll race you. Whoever gets off first wins.”

Oh my God. Keep talking like that and I’ll finish before I get it out all the way.

Dane positioned his cup in the drink holder and clapped his hands together, rubbing them briskly. He forced a cocky grin he didn’t feel. “Game on.”

Adam stared a moment, as if surprised by Dane’s response, but a slow smile twisted his lips up. He dropped his drink and snatched a couple of napkins off Dane’s lap.

Dane willed his hips not to press toward that reaching hand. With a swallow, he pulled at his fly, and realized he was coming out at least half hard and was going to give himself away. But he was already skating trembling fingers over his bulge, pulling his sac up as he lifted his ass off the seat to tug his jeans down enough to free his dick. It was too late to pretend he wasn’t into this.

Adam watched, both hands frozen over his own junk for a moment.

“Hey, Quickdraw, you better get going or you won’t stand a chance.” Dane spit in his palm and rubbed the homemade lube over his cockhead while his other fist cuffed the base. Fuck it. Let him see me hard. It was his idea, anyway.

Adam took a deep breath and wrestled his dick from the gap in his boxers. It was far from soft, and Dane’s shoulders dropped with relief. He wanted to tear his attention away instead of practically drooling at the sight of that six-inches-and-counting. But he couldn’t. Adam was on the thicker side of average, too. He owned a fine piece of pale, cut cock with a pink head that made Dane’s own prick fill to rock-hard. Adam rubbed thumb and forefinger over the tip, smearing a glistening bead over smooth skin. Hot damn. If Satan appeared with the paperwork, Dane would sell his soul to stick his tongue in that slit and know Adam’s taste.



It’s Not Work if You Love What You Do

This is one of my husband’s favorite sayings. TMI: He always uses it on the occasions after snoo snoo when I apologize for making him do all the work. And just so I don’t look lazy, they aren’t all that often.

Now, his usage has nothing to do with homo/bi/transphobia, but I think it’s the perfect saying to illustrate why I write gay romance.HAHABT 2015

Let me back up for a minute. I’m a gardener (bear with me—I’ll bring it all home, I promise). I’m a member of the American Hemerocallis Society (that’s daylilies) and active in my state chapter of the group. Like, very active. Running-the-web-presence-for-my-club active. Hybridizing-my-own-plants active. Busting-my-ass-for-the-past-two-weeks-to-get-ready-for-our-annual-sale active. My shoulders hurt. My bulging lumbar disk is especially bulgy; to the tune of I’m typing this while lying on my stomach because sitting sucks. I’ve got poison ivy patches on my arms. The dirt spots on my knees will take more than one shower to eradicate. My yard is strewn with severed roots and foliage where I’ve torn apart, washed, cut-back, and tagged more plants than I care to count.

ROYGBV of Daylilies:

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Why? (Believe me, I’ve asked myself this all week.)  Why the hell would I do this to myself? For the pocket change I’ll get for my portion of plants sold? (The answer here is no, no, no—I’d rather sell my ass on the streets once for the same price and then eat bon bons for the rest of the week.) For the exercise? (The answer here is my arms are looking pretty diesel, but I’d much rather take a jog and be done for the day). For the tick bites? Silly rabbit.

For the love?

Ding ding ding! Give the (wo)man a cigar! I do it because I love gardening. I love creating something beautiful out of nothing. I love sharing that beauty and excitement with like-minded people. I love how appreciative the members of my club are of my hard work. I love the friends I’ve made because of my involvement. I love showing the botanically challenged that daylilies are not just those much-maligned orange plants along the side of the road—they come in all shapes and sizes and can add so much to your garden if you just give them a chance. I love taking a tiny black seed, planting it in a questionable patch of dirt, and watching it struggle up from the ground, fighting the elements over a long period of time to eventually bloom into something gorgeous that is completely unique and all mine. And then I share it, and it becomes everyone’s.

That is exactly why I write gay romance. All of those reasons. I love the people and the beauty and the fight—even the patches of poison ivy, because in the end they heal over and sometimes they make a great story, or at least a lesson-learned. I love feeling that maybe my words do more than simply entertain–maybe they educate. Maybe they help someone out there feel understood.

I’m a member of the Love is Love Club. We work hard because we believe in this crazy little thing called equality.

Is writing work? Yes. Of course it is, but I wouldn’t stop for the world. I’ve got plenty of seeds waiting to beat the odds. And it’s never really work when you love what you do.

———–Crossed Hearts

To celebrate today being the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia, I’m giving away an e-copy of my latest release, Crossed Hearts. Kindly follow my blog to be in the running (if you already do, just drop me a comment and I’ll add your name to the draw). Thanks for being a member of this phenomenal club of ours, and happy hopping!


One heart’s been broken. The other is secondhand.

Kory Vansant doesn’t deserve to be alive.

As time sucks him dry of energy, sapping the final ounces of strength from his congenitally enlarged heart, he’s forced to end his career as Kory Kent, porn star. Staring down death, he questions his life choices and prays for a miracle. For another chance at life, he vows to change who he is at his core.

His prayers are answered. A perfect heart now beats in his chest, but it comes at a heavy price. The donor is an innocent young man cut down far too prematurely.

Kory’s blemished history and his donor’s spotless past are far from ideal matches.

As his debts skyrocket, Kory can’t help but think his resolve to walk the high road is being tested. After he meets the adorable Will Squire at the gravesite they both visit, he’s doubly damned because there’s no way he can keep up his end of the bargain. What happens when a man breaks a deal with a higher power?

Will often prefers the company of the dead to that of the living. Following a bad breakup, he pours himself into his two jobs—funeral director at his uncle’s mortuary and part-time paramedic. He’s drawn ever closer to Kory, as if fate sticks her fickle hand in and pushes them together like two unlikely puzzle pieces. But sometimes history can’t be buried, and maybe divine intervention isn’t always right. Will discovers everyone is imperfect, no matter how pretty the outer package, and opening one’s heart is never easy, but can be oh, so worth the pain.


Don’t forget to check out all the other hoppers for great words and giveaways!

1. Erica Pike (M/M) 2. Cherie Noel (M/M)
3. NJ Nielsen (M/M) 4. K-Lee Klein (M/M)
5. Bronwyn Heeley (M/M) 6. Chris McHart (Multi: M/M, TR)
7. Andrew J. Peters (GAY) 8. Prism Book Alliance (MM, FF, TR, Bi, Rev)
9. L.M. Brown (M/M) 10. Dianne Hartsock (M/M)
11. ScuttlebuttReviews (MM,FF,TR,BI,Rev) 12. Anne Barwell (M/M)
13. Anna Lee (M/M) 14. Draven St. James (M/M)
15. Anna Butler (M/M) 16. A.L. Wilson (M/M, Bi, TR)
17. Jacintha Topaz (BI F/F/M, F/F) 18. Blaine D. Arden (M/M, TR)
19. L. J. LaBarthe (M/M) 20. Iyana Jenna (M/M)
21. Kracken (M/M) 22. Victoria Zagar/Infinite Love (MULTI, REV)
23. Brandon Shire (Gay) 24. Lex Chase (M/M)
25. Amanda C. Stone (M/M) 26. Stephen del Mar (Gay)
27. JC Wallace (M/M) 28. Lasha’s Reviews (REV)
29. Angela S. Stone (M/M) 30. Serena Akeroyd (M/M/F)
31. Marie Landry (F/F) 32. S.J. Frost (M/M)
33. Raythe Reign Publishing (M/M) 34. Susanna Hays (M/M)
35. Racheline Maltese & Erin McRae (GAY, BI, F/F, TR) 36. Kaje Harper (M/M, Bi)
37. Barbara Winkes (F/F) 38. Kat Fletcher (LES)
39. Moonbeams over Atlanta 40. Fever Dreams (Raven J. Spencer)
41. Kimber Vale (M/M) 42. Sexy Erotic Xciting~ Evelise Archer (M/M)
43. Amelia Bishop (MULTI) 44. Shayla Mist (M/M, DES)
45. Caddy Rowland(Gay)/Sibley Jackson (M/M) 46. Thursday Euclid (M/M)
47. Nic Starr (M/M) 48. Anastasia Vitsky (Governing Ana) (F/F, BI)
49. Blogger,reviewer,author, editor, promotion 50. Caraway Carter (M/M, Bi)
51. Grace R. Duncan (M/M, Bi) 52. Elin Gregory
53. Kade Boehme 54. Amberly Smith (M/M)
55. Remmy Duchene Mantasy (M/M) 56. L M Somerton (M/M)
57. Erin O’Quinn (M/M) 58. Lori Toland (M/M)
59. Tyler Robbins (M/M, M/M/M) 60. BFD Book Blog
61. BFD Book Blog (REV) 62. Crystal’s Many Reviewers (M/M, F/F, TR, Bi, Rev)
63. Kenzie Mack (M/M, BI) 64. The Novel Approach Reviews
65. J.P. Bowie (M/M) 66. Devon Rhodes (M/M, Bi)
67. Thianna Durston (M/M) 68. Morticia Knight (M/M, Bi)
69. Bryl R. Tyne (M/M, TR, MULTI, F/F) 70. M.A. Church (M/M)
71. Books A to Z Book Blog 72. Catherine Lievens (M/M)
73. James Lee Hard (MM) 74. Eva Lefoy (M/M)
75. Matthew J. Metzger (MULTI) 76. Andrew Ashling (Gay)
77. Charley Descoteaux (MM, Bi) 78. Michael Mandrake
79. Kate Aaron (Gay) 80. DiverseReader (REV)
81. Hans M Hirschi (Gay, TR) 82. Aeryn Jaden (M/M)
83. Alex C.Clarke (M/M) 84. Louisa Bacio (M/M F/F Bi)
85. Talon ps & Princess so (MM, Bi, Poly, DES) 86. Tasha’s Thinkings (M/M, Bi)
87. Christa Tomlinson (M/M) 88. Alexa Milne (M/M)
89. IndiGo Marketing & Design (DES) 90. Eva LeNoir (M/M)
91. A.V. Sanders (M/M) 92. B. Snow (MULTI)
93. Alexis Duran (M/M) 94. Dean Pace-Frech (M/M)
95. Lily G. Blunt (M/M, REV) 96. Joelle Casteel (MULTI)
97. Sage Marlowe (Gay) 98. Author Susan Mac Nicol (MM)
99. Sloan Johnson (M/M, BI) 100. Cody Kennedy (GAY)
101. Lea Bronsen (MULTI) 102. Brina Brady (M/M)
103. WindWhisperer (Erotica Whispers) (F/F) 104. Bey Deckard (M/M, BI)
105. Andrew Jericho (Gay) 106. NSBeranek (Gay)
107. Freddy MacKay (MM, BI, Queer Fic) 108. Mischief Corner Books (PUB)
109. Angel Martinez (Gay/Bi) 110. Catherine Dair Cover Designers (DES)
111. Toni Griffin (M/M) 112. Carly’s Book Reviews (M/M, TR, BI, MULTI, REV)
113. Rory Ni Coileain (M/M) 114. M.LeAnne Phoenix (M/M)
115. Lucy Felthouse (Multi) 116. Bottom Drawer Publications (PUB)
117. Tempeste O’Riley (M/M, BI, Genderfluid, TR)

Crossed Hearts Available for Pre-order!

I forgot to post this the other day, so I’m sticking a quickie up now. 🙂

Crossed Hearts is up on Amazon for pre-order! To celebrate, I’m posting a never-before-seen excerpt. Enjoy!


“You ever run into your ex, you can tell him he’s got it all wrong.” Kory combed his fingers through the hair behind Will’s ear. “And he’s especially stupid for not seeing how lucky he was.”

I’m especially stupid for falling for him.

Kory carried the conversation on the way home. Will did his best to put up an attentive front, but misgiving warred inside him. Did it matter who he had dated in the past? He’d never considered Kory and Darryl might cross paths, but that was before he knew exactly how unforgivable Darryl’s actions were. Did he gamble the two would never meet again? In a small town, the odds weren’t in Will’s favor. Should he just come clean?

Yeah, maybe.

“So, I’ve been thinking… Not that there’s any pressure just because I planned this crazy-romantic date…”fashion

Will pulled his attention from the familiar terrain of his neighborhood. Pulled his thoughts out of the dismal abyss they’d landed in. Kory gave a shy smile. Behind his head, the rain had let up and sunshine was frying a path through the remaining clouds. The unsavory conversation could always wait. Will already resented Darryl’s intrusion on an otherwise amazing day. I’m not giving that asshole another minute of my time. “You were thinking what?”

“Well, if I was gonna have heart-pounding, blood-pressure-spiking sex, it’d probably be wise to make sure a healthcare professional was nearby.” Kory quirked a hopeful eyebrow. “You know, in case of emergency.”

Will abandoned his residual misgivings. The flicker of dread was stamped out by the solid promise in Kory’s words, by his deep chuckle, by those irresistible crow’s feet he got when his whole face engaged in a smile. Will drew a clipped breath. “I may know a guy.”

Kory’s hand landed on Will’s thigh, closer to cock than knee, and pushed between his legs, in and then out, slow and suggestive. “I have specific requirements, though. He’s gotta be about five…eight?”

“Seven work?”

“That’s what I said. Five-seven. Late twenties, early thirties.”

“Check.”Young man

“Umm. He’ll need to have the bangin’est little badonkadonk. You know like—bam!” Kory took his left hand off the wheel to demonstrate what appeared to be an explosion. “There it is! And you wanna make that ass your pillow for the whole night.”

“Excuse me.” Will folded his lips together but he couldn’t fight the smile stretching across his cheeks or the soft titter that escaped him. “Did you have a hard time finding doctors and nurses to fit your unconventional specifications while you were in the hospital?”

“What do you say, sexy?” Kory ignored his comment as they turned into Will’s driveway.

Will pressed his hips into Kory’s touch and was rewarded by a stroke down his stiffening prick. “Did you pack your overnight bag?”


“Then come on in.”


Crossed Hearts


Crossed Hearts Cover Reveal! Hell, Yeah!

Crossed Hearts

Hooray! Hooray! It’s my cover reveal day!

Let’s just take it all in, shall we? We’ve got the cemetery. We’ve got Kory on the left and Will on the right. Kory has a bit o’ mid-line scar peeking out of his collar because my ultra-fabulous cover artist, Dana Priebe, is ultra-fabulous. Details, baby! We’ve got the rainbow umbrella that makes an appearance during a très romantique scene or two (squeak!). Even the fading swipe thingy in the middle looks like a brush stroke, which is sheer perfection because Kory is an artist.

Sigh. I love it so.

What’s that? You want to add it to your Goodreads “Want to Read” list for the opportunity to win an e-copy on release day? Well, then, so you shall! So you shall!


Here’s my blurb and a wee snippet in case you need more convincing to click that shiny, candy-like button above:


Kory Vansant doesn’t deserve to be alive.

As time sucks him dry of energy, sapping the final ounces of strength from his congenitally enlarged heart, he’s forced to end his career as Kory Kent, porn star. Staring down death, he questions his life choices and prays for a miracle. For another chance at life, he vows to change who he is at his core.

His prayers are answered. A perfect heart now beats in his chest, but it comes at a heavy price. The donor is an innocent young man cut down far too prematurely.

Kory’s blemished history and his donor’s spotless past are far from ideal matches.

As his debts skyrocket, Kory can’t help but think his resolve to walk the high road is being tested. After he meets the adorable Will Squire at the gravesite they both visit, he’s doubly damned because there’s no way he can keep up his end of the bargain. What happens when a man breaks a deal with a higher power?

Will often prefers the company of the dead to that of the living. Following a bad breakup, he pours himself into his two jobs—funeral director at his uncle’s mortuary and part-time paramedic. He’s drawn ever closer to Kory, as if fate sticks her fickle hand in and pushes them together like two unlikely puzzle pieces. But sometimes history can’t be buried, and maybe divine intervention isn’t always right. Will discovers everyone is imperfect, no matter how pretty the outer package, and opening one’s heart is never easy, but can be oh, so worth the pain.


The man scratched the scrub on his chin. “Heart recipient,” he said finally. “I’m Kory—umm…Kory Vansant.” Holding out his hand, he took another step. Will’s fingers were swallowed in warm skin and bone.

“Will Squire.” Again, he couldn’t tear his gaze from the tease of scar tissue jutting from the crotch of Kory’s shirt collar. The urge to reach out and trace a finger over the pink relief of healed tissue was strong. Just like I touched Brandon’s incision. The stark difference between the two—one wound marking the end of a life and the other a salvation—was surreal. Will was nothing but an outsider looking in on a miracle, but somehow he felt he’d come around full circle.

“Want me to get naked so you can see the whole thing?”

Will closed his eyes for a moment and then looked up, his face flaming with a mix of embarrassment and immediate, fierce arousal. “I’m sorry. Totally rude.”

Kory smiled good-naturedly. “No worries. It’s a way to reclaim who I am, or was. Or some crap. I’m not just my medical status, like they keep saying at my support group.”

“No. Of course you’re not.”

He laughed loud and deep, and the warmth in Will’s face drifted down his body. “I’ve adopted it as my little icebreaker whenever people stare,” Kory said.

“Well, ice broken.” Will gulped. Hell, ice melted into a rolling boil.


Crossed Hearts comes out on April 27th, but I hope to have it available for preorder before then. I’ll let you know!

What Ho! #amwriting #amediting #CoverReveal

It’s the world’s most inconsistent blogger here, feeling compelled to do the blog thing out of sheer guilt.

I figure a bit about my current projects is in order, yes?

First up, we have numero uno in my Hearts and Scars series (I say series, but they’ll all be standalones, rather tangentially related to the first book). It’s called Crossed Hearts and I am crunching the insightful comments from my beta readers and then plan to shit  ship it out to an editor. I’ll be losing my self-publishing virginity, and while I can’t say I’m not nervous, I am excited to see how things go on the other side of the fence. I still firmly intend to traditionally publish, but this has been my little solo pet project, and the autonomy of it is exhilarating. Old dogs, new tricks, yadda, yadda.

Oh, and working with my extremely amenable and talented cover artist, Dana Priebe, has been a ton of fun. She’s a close friend who happens to be like a sister to me. 🙂 I was picky, annoyingly specific, and got precisely what I wanted. Once I get on the horn with an editor and figure out the time frame for release, I’ll get a cover up for your viewing pleasure.

Here’s my cover teaser:

8d2c6139-688d-469f-9641-243ffda68a78_zpswbjoby1c (1)

Working Blurb:

Kory Vansant doesn’t deserve to live.

When time sucks him dry of energy, sapping the final ounces of strength from his congenitally enlarged heart, he’s forced to end his career as Kory Kent, porn star. Staring down death, he questions his life choices and prays for a miracle, vowing to change who he is at his core, if only for another chance.

Somehow, his prayers are answered. A perfect heart now beats in his chest. Unfortunately, its previous owner was an innocent young man cut down far too prematurely, and Kory’s blemished history is nowhere near an ideal match.

As his debts skyrocket, Kory can’t help but think his resolve to walk the high road is being tested. After he meets the adorable Will Squire at the gravesite they both visit, he’s doubly damned because there’s no way he can keep up his end of the bargain. What happens when a man breaks a deal with a higher power?

Will often prefers the company of the dead to that of the living. Following a bad breakup, he pours himself into his two jobs—funeral director at his uncle’s mortuary and part-time paramedic. He’s drawn ever closer to Kory, as if fate stuck her fickle hand in and pushed them together like two unlikely puzzle pieces. But sometimes history can’t be buried, and maybe divine intervention isn’t always right. Will discovers everyone is imperfect, no matter how pretty the outer package, and opening one’s heart is never easy, but can be oh so worth the pain.


While I was on this self-publishing bender (yeah, right), I got a bee in my bonnet about my Goodreads, Love Has No Boundaries story, Sticking It. Anyone remember that bit of college gymnast-falls-for-the-nerd fluff? Well, despite its warm reception on Goodreads, a number of people wanted it to be longer. At the time of its origin, I kinda felt like it is what it is. Deal with it. Well, seven thousand (or so) words later, it is what it wasn’t, and I’ll be getting that up on Amazon as per popular request (look at me, with my big girl panties yanked up high, all doin’ stuff).

For the readers who really wanted Dane to go to the Olympics, I say, “Your wish is my command!” I hope you were also wishing for more sex. ABRACADABRA!

Muscular athletic sportsman in training. Winner.

My Second Addition Cover! Woot!



I can’t tell you the hours of gymnastics video footage I’ve watched to make this happen. Appreciate it, dammit! 😉

This gorgeous new cover was also crafted for me by the phenomenal Dana Priebe. Her website is in the works. I’ll link when it’s up in case anyone is interested in checking out her stuff.

Anyhoo, the second edition of Sticking It should (hopefully) be ready to go within the month, I promise. I’ll keep you posted!







Summer Reads Blog Hop #SummerReadsHop $100 Gift Card #Giveaway & More!

Much, much more!

Summer’s in full swing! Come in out of the heat and check out our favorite Summer Reads! Each blog will feature their favorites and a giveaway so visit them all! Plus there’s a Grand Prize giveaway happening too!

Woo hoo! Who doesn’t love a good book, a warm breeze, and a drink with a tiny umbrella in it? That’s the recipe for summer magic, I tell ya!

To celebrate summer (sure, my kids are driving me bananas and I want to stab summer with a thousand serrated knives, but don’t let me whiz on the party), I’m giving away a signed copy of Nasty Boys! See? I said summer magic, right? Well, it’s at least a summer miracle, because I avoid the post office like I avoid running into chatty neighbors at the grocery store.


Includes my short “Johnny and Clyde.”

So, comment and follow my blog if you don’t already, and I’ll tally up the names and shove them in a Random.org blender after <scrolls up to see when this blog hop ends> July 23rd! And then I’m going to the damn post office with three kids in tow! Hell yeah!

P.S. I’ll only ship to the 48 contiguous U.S. states. I know–so not fair. But life rarely is. If you live somewhere other than here, and you win, I’ll give you an e-book of your choice, okay? Friends? Good.

And if I run into any chatty neighbors at the post office, I am going to be so flippin’ pissed.


Now, go click the link below for more fabulous prizes, namely a grand prize $100 Amazon Gift Card and not-too-shabby second place $30 Amazon Gift Card. Word to your moms.


Grand Prize:

Don’t forget to check out all of the giveaways and summer reading recommendations! 🙂



Thanks for playing and happy summer reading! 😉


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